A lot do, subaru s do to,
It's due to the high bolster,
You can't take the cloth out and repack the area, believe it or not. Think foam carpet underlay and duct tape works amazing.
I actually rebuilt my scoob seat that way. Custom fit to me,
You need to take the side plastics off, couple of screws and a bolt

The seat covers use the normal plastic snaps so come off easy
Now my right lower bolster was starting to compress due to getting in/out etc so looked at that too
Once you have bit off the foam can lift off, this is the bit that rubs through

So I used a low density foam to cover it.
Then set about making new bolsters

The foam layout is hd and ld foams once I was happy I permanently attached them with duct tape.
Left side done right oem

Once the bottom had been done I moved to the upper back,
This has three springs along it. You can pulley these back and stretch them, this takes the push effect out of the seat. I also did this to the base.

I ran out of big pieces of foam so got a bit of new carpet underlay for the bolster.
I traced the black parts if the seats a d installed the foam

Then from the back of the seat I added son smaller hd packing around the rib area. I also took out the middle spring
Once you've sat in it and are happy build it back up and your done

The seat feels 100 times better.