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Author Topic: Cat D Write Off  (Read 616 times)

Offline bbfb10

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Cat D Write Off
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:38:27 pm »
Just heard back from the insurance that my car is a Cat D write off, theyve not offered me a settlement figure yet but they have sent me the engineers report. According to their figures the car will need over £2k of parts and another £1k+ of labour, paintetc... I know bugger all about repairs etc, but if l post up the report l was hoping some of you lovely people might be able to help source or provide parts, or at least point me in the direction of where l might find cheaper parts. Ive looked on Ebay but not been able to find too many of the parts listed.





Also, l believe my car was in good condition, but the report says it was in "below average condition". How can I contest this? Does anyone know the criteria?

Many thanks,


Full VCDS Hex + Can.