People who assume that because you cant see my disability, that theres nothing 'wrong' with me. I worked as a teacher until two and a half years ago. Once l was diagnosed and signed off work, the amount of people who said words to the affect of 'you dont look ill, why arent you at work' really surprised me. I was hugely upset by some of the comments, so much so that l now dread going into my local town centre in case l see these people again. At times l wish ld got a plaster cast etc to 'prove' that lm ill. There is such a stigma attached to mental illness that no one wants to talk about it, or are, like l was, embarassed to admit to it, for fear of being judged or labelled. Ive lost some 'friends' because of my illness and my way of coping, but l have also gained some new, genuine, friends who take me for what l am and who l am.
Just because you cant see something doesnt mean its not there.
Severe Depression, Severe Anxiety, Bipolar Personality Disorder. There are many more, but these are the invisible illnesses that lm living with on a daily basis. I know l can get better, and lm sure l will, one day.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Sorry for the rant.