Loud mopeds. Yes, you have 3.7 horsepower, doesn't mean that everyone within 4000 feet wants to listen to them!
No, you've got it all wrong. Taking the baffle out of the 'zorst transforms it into 750 Quacker.......Weren't you ever 16? My Yamaha FS1E (1974 DRF 830N) became a Kawasaki Z1000, with the baffle out......cylinder head off and a de-coke every other month - all helped, don't you know - ha ha, happy days. Those 'Ferswannies' (FS1E's) go for big money now. Old timers like me trying to re-capture their mis-spent youth. I never had a Raleigh Chopper though - my parents said I was too old for one. I still want one now, ha!

On your post though, yes, they are very annoying.....