F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful.

Car drivers hogging the middle lane doing 60 - 70 mph. Causes congestion, and the inside lane ends up empty apart from a lorry or two.
Realistically, if you intend to drive at the speed limit the opportunity to drive in the inside lane is pretty much non existent as it's full of lorries slipstreaming at 56mph. Even If you do get a chance to drop into the inside lane it's only for 20seconds.
The real issue is people who overtake in the outside lane at 70.1mph and take hours about it. Although it's illegal, I still want to drive at 80, people often think they're doing nothing wrong because they're doing 70 in the outside. :(