I do! I wasn't on lunch so I didn't even have time to list all of my peeves

Here we go again!
People who work at a desk, typing on a keyboard with tons of bangles around their wrists.. The noise gets annoying after about four minutes.
When you can't tell if somebody is male or female
People who let their children run around restaurants
The salesman in work who insists on whistling or singing a song even though we already have a radio on that's playing another song
My neighbour that parks his van against the line of my driveway just to be a nuisance
Having the sun in my eyes while I'm driving
Hair being left in the plughole of the shower
The question "can I ask you a question?"
People who put Christmas lights up when it's not even December yet
People who leave pets in hot cars during the summer
People who can't use Google to research a single thing ever but can post in 7 different facebook groups
"Picture for attention"
Speed bumps
People who park on speed bumps
People with un-necessarily large prams in shopping centres/town/any other busy place
Crumbs in bed
People who don't vote but complain about the results
When my boyfriend can open my snapchats but ignores my whatsapps