In M mode it will kick down only if you will press kickdown switch(full acceleration pedal) If you will press acceleration pedal and stop it before you press switch then it will full acelerate but without kickdown... You will need little practice to do this...
With remap in Manual you get "semi-manual": no kickdown and no upshift, but it stil downshift when rpm are to low(Protect to kill engine)...
So essentially in manual mode, if you give it near on full throttle at say 3k (max torque) but not quite enough to activate the kick down; you could end up overloading the DSG?
You can't overload DSG. DSG have torque limit and you can't reach it. You can put in manual drive ar 1000rpm and full acelerate(pedal press untill you feel button) and it will full acelerate without kickdown. BUT if your engine would start producing more torque as DSG limit wil DSG computer slow down ECU...
If you have ECU remaped then in ECU you can have removed checking DSG limit but DSG will still not produce more than 330-360Nm... When you do DSG remap then you can produce 400Nm or more. Im talking for K03 engine...
I hope that you understand what I wan't to tell you... No mather how you press pedal or remap ECU your DSG will not allow more torque as limited until you remap DSG... Also after remap DSG and BigTurbo installation you will probably not damage DSG and you will destroy your rods and pistons before DSG...