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Goodwod - Saywell International

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Every 6 months or so a chap called Peter Saywell gets a bunch of his mates together at Goodwood.

They give passenger rides in various exotica for a donation to the local Childrens Hospice.
It was 'kin freezin mnd.


Loving that Porshe Turbo! :happy2: My GF used to do his hair at a salon and lives just down the road aswell as Saywell International, I see some of him and his motors driving around  :drool:  :drool:

Some nice motors there.  :evilgrin:


--- Quote from: vRStu on October 03, 2009, 08:55:18 pm ---Some nice motors there.  :evilgrin:

--- End quote ---

Some very nice motors. :happy2:

As I am a cheeky so and so I parked in the pits in bay 69 of course.  :P


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