General > Photography Section

Few snaps from the desert...

(1/7) > >>

I'll post up some pics whilst I'm out here,
Here's a starter:

That first shot!


--- Quote from: xjay1337 on March 04, 2014, 01:49:04 pm ---That first shot!

--- End quote ---

I'm pretty pleased with it! I want to take the same shot without the steps here's and the blanks removed.

Here's another...

Stunning pictures fella. All 3 really do ooze the atmosphere of your surrounding. Stay safe!  :happy2:

For me the first one is special the other two are more common of the movie clip / photo seen on bill board.

However, without people like you taking those shots very few of us would be able to enjoy what's out there, too see it in the raw and untampered state. :happy2:


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