« on: March 05, 2014, 05:49:12 am »
I have a black golf with set of staggered BBS LM reps sat in my garage and they need a refurb (bit of whiteworm) I already have a set of black wheels with polished rim so I thought I would get the LMs painted up but be a little different

I'm thinking either a purple wheel with polished rim or a lime green with polished rim?
What does everyone think or do you have any other suggestions?

Also any pics of said colours on a black car would be great!

Black 2007 GTI Manual, Stage 3 K04, R32 Bumper/Exhaust, WALK, adj rear ARB, KW1's, Twintercooler, Twintake, 18's (winters), 19's (summer) modified dectane LED rear lights, NQSBBK, Forge dump valve, Xenon look headlights with 5000k HID, 3" downpipe with sports cat, TT wishbones, uprated HPFP, Sach Uprated Clutch, Quaife LSD, VT & THS Engine Mounts.
To be fitted: Reverse Camera & uprated headunit.
Future plans: De-dent & Detail