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Ring trip May 2010
if we go out the 30th its my birthday on the 2nd of may :drinking: :evilgrin: but to be honest i can go whenever so it just gives 2 weekends for people to choose from :smiley:
That kind of date would suit me as I'm going to Le Mans in June. :happy2:
--- Quote from: Greenouse on October 07, 2009, 01:07:37 pm ---That kind of date would suit me as I'm going to Le Mans in June. :happy2:
never done that, supposed to be great weekend :happy2:
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jebus!! thats a while off, im goin back next month!!! :party:
--- Quote from: joesgti on October 07, 2009, 01:58:22 pm ---jebus!! thats a while off, im goin back next month!!! :party:
--- End quote ---
That's the spirit Joe! :congrats:
Anyone got anymore pics and vids to post as I didn't take any? :chicken:
Jay, I thought you did a bit of filming from Steve's car?
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