I am have used Mobil One 0w 40 since my 1st oil change at 10k and have had no issues what so ever. infact the engine ran quieter, rev'd quicker, and pulled harder.
Eeek - Mobil 1, of all flavours are grossly over-rated, and there are far better lubes out there.
Secondly, the 0W40 spec will NOT be 'FSI' approved - so there is a much greater risk of coking up your inlet valves.
I was at the stealer and they said they would put in Quantum 5w30 if i was to have a service with them and that 0w40 is no good...
The stealer is correct with the 5w30 recommendation over the 0w40, but there are better oils than Quantum too!

Im sure that the Mobil One stuff is VW approved etc, but im ALSO sure that quantum 5w30 is not VW 502.00
502.00 is an old skool standard, and actually covers semi-synthetic brews too. But more importantly, why do you want an old skool 502.00 spec, instead of the much newer, much higher specification, and much more suitable specs such as the 503.00 or the latest 504.00?
or 505.00 certified.
Huh - do you have a diesel? Because 505.00 is an aincient and obsolete DIESEL oil spec?
therefore you should go with Mobil1 0w40 at a minimum to meet VW oil specifications.
Sorry, but Mobil 1 0w40 does NOT meet the current oil standards for FSI engines - because it does NOT meet the far more stringent 504.00 spec!
any way, what oil do you guys run?
I would ONLY use a 504.00 spec oil, from only European oil companies, such as Castrol (who are owned by BP, and so will also include all other BP 'brands' including Aral), Fuchs, Motul, and
some Total brews - which use Group 5 base-stocks.
I would categorically NOT recommend any oil from a US/North American manufacturer - simply becaues they all breach EU regulatiuons on the technical classification of what a 'synthetic' oil base-stock is. They all use a far inferior Group 3 base-stock, which the yanks have allowed to be called a 'synthetic', but is actually just a glorified mineral oil !!!!!!
I can NOT recommend any Shell brew, because they refuse to disclose what base-stocks they use.
and as its coming up to winter should i start looking at a different type of oil ?
Anless you are planning a trip north of the arctic circle, then the 504.00 should be perfectly fine all year round!