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Your Cars & The Elements
--- Quote from: th3_f15t on April 06, 2014, 08:36:02 pm ---I feel inspired. Great fog shots. :happy2:
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That's the most I can ask from any of my pictures, thanks :happy2:
I have actually just added a couple more to the first post.
@ rob_e
Looks ready for action, almost like an advert.
Meanwhile, from snow to desert! Here's my very own Saharan sand dune which has gathered beneath the rear windscreen over the last few days.
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on April 07, 2014, 04:16:12 pm ---is that up near megeve/chamonix looks like it to me
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Samoens, not far. Noone's ever hear of the place though... Its just south of Morzine.
yep i know the place spend every year in the alps will be back in a few months love the place
I know Morzine, my Auntie lives there. Don't know the surrounding area that much though.
The pics in the fog are amazing !!! I want some fog tonight so I can go do the same : )
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