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Author Topic: little squealer  (Read 535 times)

Offline gixerben

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little squealer
« on: March 20, 2014, 08:44:57 pm »
Hi all, the Pirelli has developed a intermittent squeal, high pitched noise for about 2secs, seems to do it under a static throttle while driving and sometimes a little chirp when the air con is switched on/off.

There is no change in performance still boosts and drive well, its been into my garage and they have heard the noise but are struggling to locate it.
It sounds like a dry bearing but its so brief it hard to trace, any help would be great as I have had a week from hell, what with a curbed wheel, a split gaitor which ended with grease from it all over my carpets  :laugh:

I have done the search bit and there seems to be a number of culprits, just for info the cambelt, pulleys and pump where changed out 15k ago.
Pirelli GTI