Right after using the LC on my Edition 30 in real anger at the weekend ive gotta say its pretty crap lol.
It was a pain to get it to kick in first time every time, it worked for 3 out of the 10 launches i did, i know the sequence and have no trouble doing it in normal conditions, but when the rush to the line came up, most the time at the line it wouldnt work

was a pain basically lol
but when it does work its dim and slow to get off the line, release the brake as quick as you, theres a pause and then you go.
and last is it Actually LC or just the Dsg version of dropping the clutch. Because no control is there lol, it holds the revs, release the brake, pause, off we go with a ton of wheel spin.
So question is can it be remapped to respond insantly and to actually control the wheel spin? as well as work every time lol