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Author Topic: mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?  (Read 1123 times)

Offline jelwood

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mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?
« on: March 27, 2014, 05:53:40 pm »
hi guys looking to buy a mk5 soon, seen one advertised but it just says sat nav unit, can anyone identify it? would it have an ipod connection?

Also ive got 1 of the new ipods and an iphone 5c that have like a different charger/plug in bit is there an adaptor to change the old style plug to a new one with these cars that have them in the armrest etc?

Thanks guys,

Offline brookesb32

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Re: mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 06:52:15 pm »
That is the original mfd2 satnav - newer and superior version is the RNS 510. You can have an iPod connection I believe.

As for the cables I believe there is now a 5 cable available, not sure if works with the older iPod Dock as opposed to the MDI dock which you have with the 3rd generation headunits - such as the rns510
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Offline jelwood

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Re: mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2014, 07:03:13 pm »
That is the original mfd2 satnav - newer and superior version is the RNS 510. You can have an iPod connection I believe.

As for the cables I believe there is now a 5 cable available, not sure if works with the older iPod Dock as opposed to the MDI dock which you have with the 3rd generation headunits - such as the rns510

Thanks mate   :happy2: , so confused with all these different headunits and generations and MDI's lol

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Re: mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2014, 07:26:08 pm »
The old MFD2 is still worth a couple of hundred on eBay if you decide to replace it with a newer unit.

As for iPhone 5C integration, the iPod dock in the armrest is truly appalling and completely outdated so I'd suggest not using it! I don't think it supports charging newer devices and it doesn't even display track names on the screen, just 'Track 01' etc.
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Offline jelwood

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Re: mk5 noob what is this satnav headunit?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 07:57:13 pm »
The old MFD2 is still worth a couple of hundred on eBay if you decide to replace it with a newer unit.

As for iPhone 5C integration, the iPod dock in the armrest is truly appalling and completely outdated so I'd suggest not using it! I don't think it supports charging newer devices and it doesn't even display track names on the screen, just 'Track 01' etc.

Well thats good to know then, least could put the £ towards the newer unit and one of these MDI thingys.

Yeah i need it to show track names and charge otherwise its just a giant ballache.