General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

***Forum Upgrade Testing***

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--- Quote from: Nodz on March 30, 2014, 01:00:19 pm ---I see your managed to get a thanks system going, any chance of adding to the user profile to see posts you've been thanked on like we have now?

--- End quote ---

No.  :signLOL:

The thankyou feature should now be working. Still needs testing fully!

ill go and have a play  :happy2:

Could someone like a couple of my posts? In the profile section the messages/topics (given) it shows up who I've thanked but at the moment the topics/messages (Become) are the same as they are on here but it says 0 members like this (even tho they are my thanked posts) so just want to check to see if its because its a lthank you from the back up or if it affects new likes

Looking good so far Rich..

If you click on an inserted image which has been downsized, it appears to zoom up to its original size.  Seems to happen both to ones which have links to a new window (Flickr for example) as well as others.  Hope that makes sense!


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