OK.... so we have a testing forum up and running. Its taken me bloooooooody ages to sort it out. Its nearly there... but it needs a few things fixing and tweaking before we make the switch over.
Have a look and let us know what you think. Bare in mind it will run slowly as its on a crappy server. The next reincarnation of the test forum will reside on our (this) server, so performance will be much better.
If theres anything that immediately sticks out as wrong/horrible/crap/worse/better/etc please tell us. We want this to be a positive move.

NB. tapatalk might not work as ive not installed the plugin.
You can login with your current username. Please note that its a testing forum so anything posted on there will be removed as of the 3rd April (when my hosting runs out)

*white background for board background*For Sale board Archiving?
*Thank you statistics. DONE
*Youtube plugin DONE
*Tapatalk plugin
*Thread started by in a separate column?
http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=2625 DONE
*Preview on hover over