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Author Topic: Think i may have subframe knock??  (Read 460 times)

Offline Airz182

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Think i may have subframe knock??
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:08:06 am »
Morning, over the past week ive noticed my car started to feel different on the road,
I.e 1st time i was driving down a straight road, which i drive down everyday and seems pritty level,
Then it suddenly felt for a second as if the car had that feeling when u drive on tramlines, and you get that feeling your driving straight but the wheels are doing what they want!!
 Noticed it again for a split second on another road later on in the week,
But thursday i got in the car driving home from work, and asoon as a set off i could here this faint constant knocking noise, as if like every time the wheel did a full turn it was slightly knocking.
Finished wirk yesterday and back in the car, noise is the every bump in the road,

So i was wondering is there any way of visually checking to see if subframe is banging about? Im going the try checking other parts whilst its jacked up, ball joints anti roll bars
Instagram- airz182