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Author Topic: Nearly bricked my RNS510.  (Read 3136 times)

Offline Viking

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Nearly bricked my RNS510.
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:16:57 pm »
Picked up a second hand RNS510 unit yesterday and just done a firmware update on it to tidy things up and get rid of all the crap music on the hdd etc. It's a C revision and I was updating it to 3810, when half way through the MPEG update (if you've done a firmware update you'll probably know what I mean) it bombed out and spat the dvd out. Black screen, wouldn't turn on, nothing. Complete Brick I Thought.

So I dug out the SW Fix dvd and tried inserting that. It loaded, spun up and down a few times, and then turned into a brick again, with the SW Fix disc stuck inside.

About this time I was tasked with helping the daughter move some gear from her house to ours, so I grumped off to help. Came back a couple of hours later and set to again. Turned the ignition back on and it started with a splash screen, so something as happening. I ejected the SW Fix disc and that came out. So not too bad. Reset the unit and reinserted the SW Fix disc, and it tried to reboot itself and finally came up with "Software Update Success". Removed the disc again.

Faffed about a bit with the unit and I managed to get the radio to play. But the touch screen wasn't working, and then when I decided I'd had enough, it wouldn't turn off. Took the ignition key out and it still played along.

So, cut to the chase. It seems as though the firmware update hadn't finished (for whatever reason) and had ditched half the functionality of the unit. Anyway, I tried a different firmware to see if I could recover the brick, and of course the touchscreen isn't working, is it! So can't accept the warning when it flags up on the install screen. Well, here's the trick. If this happens to you and you lose the touchscreen, when you get to the warning screen press the right hand track change button (just above the top left of the screen) and it highlights the "OK" button on the screen. Then press the bottom right hand turn dial (not the volume one, the other one) to accept the warning, and the unit will try and load the firmware again. That's the trick right there, finding a fix for the touchscreen not working.

So, tried again with Firmware 4020 and it managed to load up okay, No More Brick.

Just loading the maps on it now and then we'll be done.  :happy2:
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Offline omeydz

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Re: Nearly bricked my RNS510.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 09:51:13 pm »
Woah thats scary man!! Id be clenched if that happened to me!!!! :S !! Well recovered tho  :happy2:  :drinking:
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Re: Nearly bricked my RNS510.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2014, 09:34:23 am »
Sometimes, when stuff like that happens, it's often a good idea to walk away from it and do something else - have a brew, bacon butty, read the papers, mow the lawn, etc.  Just gives your head a chance to clear the pent-up tension and frustration.

Good work though - respect!  :notworthy:
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Re: Nearly bricked my RNS510.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 08:22:34 pm »
Always a tense moment playing with firmware  :signLOL:

Glad you got it sorted  :happy2:

Offline Viking

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Re: Nearly bricked my RNS510.
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 08:50:56 pm »
Always a tense moment playing with firmware  :signLOL:

Glad you got it sorted  :happy2:

Yep, that one's sorted now . I even got the speed cams put on it.  :wink:
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