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Active Scammers forum


Dave J:

Within the classified area, could we have a forum that allows users to highlight actively known scammers? As some of us have seen - the scrotes seem to scam across many forums these days, so any intelligence about certain email addresses to avoid, or users/ghost parts would be surely beneficial to all here?



No idea if the above idea would work or be effective - But an idea to add to it. Having 100 or so posts before you can view it.

Could stop scammers who are not regular to the forum seeing the info  :ashamed:

Scammers post up all the time using different aliases.
Just look at the Mark Woodward or whatever his name was stuff that's about.

See what the guys think but I don't think it's got any real benefit
By displaying username and date infront of pictures you guarantee the seller actually at least has access to the item
Paying with Paypal in the proper manner will also give you coverage in the event of non delivery.

Its not something that would be of benefit In my opinion.Like jay says, its very easy to set up multiple alias' and attempt to scam that way. Hopefully the strick rules that we are enforcing are going someway to help reduce the chance of scamming.


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