Ok so I have a tough decision to make.
I have a 3 door gti at the moment and have been considering changing it for something 5 door. It is mint and has had loads of work done to it and I love it, but..... I have a little girl who is 7 months and I am finding it hard getting her car seat in and out the back of my car. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but she is starting nursery in a couple of months and I'm on the nursery run!

I have been currently thinking about a leon cupra (07-10 shape) and wondered as a couple of people on here own them, owned one before or looked in to them would be kind enough to share there experiences or advice on the subject.
I am looking at about a £8000-£9000 budget depending what I get for mine.
So I am not sure if I should sell up or keep it and just struggle