I have had my standard Eddy for 6 months now and was pleased with an average of 27mpg over about 3000 miles on menu 2. However recently I have been getting around 25mpg on my commute to work which is mostly motorway or fast dual carriageway. However I am attributing this to a few things but I get about 350 miles on a tank fill of about 55 litres. I did get about 33mpg on a long run once
- Dodgey thermostat which always goes up and down between 90 and 80. You can see the actual engine block temperature is only running between 68 and 78 most of the time on the secret aircon values, number 19.2. Push Aircon and Upper vent buttons together and rotate Left large knob for 19 and middle large knob for .2
- Rear brake calipers which are slowly seizing up I think and need sorting. Squeaky and the discs are getting a little darker and not bright silver so constantly rubbing a bit
Oh and soot... you would think its a diesel from those tail pipes 
I had 1. and 2. on mine as well.
1. I did myself and 2. the main dealer sorted for me 'whilst it was there' getting a service. I asked them to look into the back brakes squeaking, and their fix was to replace the whole lot

Calipers, carriers, discs, pads & hoses, all of it! Pre-empting my shock at the bill, they did say the calipers were beyond rebuilding with new seals because the handbrake mechs were completely seized solid. Standard Golf!
The result of all that was getting 1mpg back

I don't think I've ever seen 30+ from mine. The most the computer says I will get from a tank is 320 miles. I think it's just accepted my foot is made of lead. It probably won't bother in future. I'll fill up and the miles left screen will just be laughter!
Yeah I got a much cleaner exhaust from port injection. Direct injection is harder on engine oil too, tonnes of soot clogging it up, as well as washing it off the cylinder walls, not to mention bunged up intake valves. Awesome bit of design that!