Well seems like the saga that is my car has struck yet another little blow to add to the long lengt of faults it keeps throwing at me.
i've been working 7 days a week lately, and dont usually see much daylight, so was suprised on my day off to find oil all over the driveway off my car

etc etc
So I had a look about, and cant see any oil coming from anywhere above the intake manifold, so popped the car on axle stands, took the undertray off, nothing at all coming from the rear of the engine, all from the front

now unless when the engine was in bits 3 weeks ago, and all left over oil has finally dripped down, or I've sprung a leak. I cant see any obvious places where the oil is coming from, although I could have sworn on idle that I saw oil dripping and gathering on here

Has anyone any ideas for me to try before it goes into another garage yet again