Mate, will I notice much difference in performance over the standard clutch?
obviously if the clutch is slipping, any replacement will be good lol, but mine is fine atm!
Tempted to see how long I can hold on, but if the GB is a good price, then I think realistically I would have to go for it.
if my current OEM clutch is working 100%, will the helix one feel any better? Will it hold the power better etc?
When having my stage 2 map done my OEM clutch started to slip so a uprated clutch was needed, especially before I added any more power/torque. The big increase in torque at stage 2 = OEM clutch FUBAR!!

If your OEM one is fine then wait to see if you need to upgrade IMHO, may not be required. I really don't notice mine being any stiffer now partly due to getting used to it but also because its a very OEM feel to be honest. There's also no noise or clunking.
hahaha!! I've read that people have had to change theirs while running standard power

and some people claim theyve ran stage 2+ for thousands of miles and not had to change
its a catch 22 really, if the GB is a good saving I will get one, because knowing my luck, the OEM clutch will die just after the GB ends hahah