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Author Topic: Car scene dying?  (Read 6716 times)

Offline Karl_mac_

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2014, 11:14:24 am »
I think its due to the cost of running a car these days. Local meets here fall into two catagories.

- utter sh*tboxes driven by idiots.
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

I think this is why the 'stance' scene has exploded recently. Its (relatively) cheap to accomplish on any car. Air ride, bentley wheels and colour correction is enough to get you decent attention at a meet now.

I've progressed onto Pistonheads Sunday Service meets now, where we've all grown up and got proper toys lol.
VW Golf GTi DSG2.0 TFSI : DSG : BBS LM : Blueflame exhaust : Pipercross Venom Induction : Eibach Springs
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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2014, 01:34:07 pm »
It's a reasonably healthy pastime here....there are a few young(early 20's ish) lads tooling qround in Corsa B's with loud exhausts and painted wheels,but I've also noticed a growing trend for older vehicles in the "retro-mod" style.
Theres a lad tooling around in a restored MK1 Chevette lowered on 14" banded steelies an running some form of carbs and cherry bomb type reeks of cool.
Also seen a MK2 early GTI or lookalike thats been restored to original even down to teardrop slot wheels.I like! :happy2:

Offline xjay1337

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2014, 01:48:32 pm »
I think its due to the cost of running a car these days. Local meets here fall into two catagories.

- utter sh*tboxes driven by idiots.
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

I think this is why the 'stance' scene has exploded recently. Its (relatively) cheap to accomplish on any car. Air ride, bentley wheels and colour correction is enough to get you decent attention at a meet now.

I've progressed onto Pistonheads Sunday Service meets now, where we've all grown up and got proper toys lol.

Who cares if stuff is financed

That's something I don't get at all?????? why the hate.

At Early Edition I met loads of people and everyone was spot on and I spent a lot of the day listening to people talk about their cars and how they've made them and their plans, it's great.

Offline betty_swollox

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2014, 01:54:19 pm »
I think its due to the cost of running a car these days. Local meets here fall into two catagories.

- utter sh*tboxes driven by idiots.
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

I think this is why the 'stance' scene has exploded recently. Its (relatively) cheap to accomplish on any car. Air ride, bentley wheels and colour correction is enough to get you decent attention at a meet now.

I've progressed onto Pistonheads Sunday Service meets now, where we've all grown up and got proper toys lol.

Who cares if stuff is financed

That's something I don't get at all?????? why the hate.

Cos he's a right sour buzz.
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Offline Tortaruga

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2014, 04:54:20 pm »
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

How on earth do you draw the conclusion that there is 'hate' from the quote above? It is purely an observation/opinion.
'07 Red manual

Offline xjay1337

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2014, 05:03:17 pm »
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

How on earth do you draw the conclusion that there is 'hate' from the quote above? It is purely an observation/opinion.

It's the general sense of the post... sh*t boxes with financed newer stuff and financed wheels (who finances wheels honestly lol).

Offline Karl_mac_

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2014, 09:47:37 pm »
- financed newer stuff (usually diesel) on air suspension and financed wheels.

How on earth do you draw the conclusion that there is 'hate' from the quote above? It is purely an observation/opinion.

It's the general sense of the post... sh*t boxes with financed newer stuff and financed wheels (who finances wheels honestly lol).

Sounds like a massive chip to be fair. Must be on 15%+ apr.

My last focus was financed, I own the golf (and my lupo) outright. My point was is that theres very little in the middle. Due to the rising cost of motoring for young people they either get a really cheap run around, or a car they can afford the monthly payments on (again, due to cost, almost exclusively diesels). At the last meet i had to open my bonnet because the scene kiddies had never seen a petrol golf engine. 
VW Golf GTi DSG2.0 TFSI : DSG : BBS LM : Blueflame exhaust : Pipercross Venom Induction : Eibach Springs
VW Lupo1.4l : Automatic : White : Stickers.

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2014, 10:01:40 pm »
 :grin: :grin: oh my.

Offline flatout

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2014, 05:22:10 pm »
why has this post turned out to be a bitchfest about who finances what,my opinion on stance is thats its just fashion,nothing to do with effing finance...
stage 2+ Grey Ed30..DSG 362 BHP.380 lb/ft.....Also Statller Tuned :)

Offline th3_f15t

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2014, 07:17:44 pm »
I consider the change in society another factor. These days, a lot more kids stay in education till their early twenties than 8-10 years ago, also getting into huge debt and therefor not being able to have the modified car.

When I was growing up, the first Fast and Furious film was the strongest influence on modified car awareness, but later films took the focus away from the modification side of the cars, instead focusing on exotic cars.

Xjay's comment about meeting people at shows and the whole social media debate. I know of more modified cars now than I did when i began driving, and the availability of knowledge is literally mind blowing.

Nothing has changed, its simply evolved.

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline xjay1337

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2014, 01:52:11 am »
that's exactly it ^^^^

but then you have people who make comments about "financed cars".
mine is not financed but so what if it was?

how many people actually buy cars completely outright, people wonder how people have porsches or range rovers, they're nearly always on a finance deal.

or that the yoof are killing everything!!!
the "yoof" have it harder than those in their late 30's & 40s (and older) have ever had it, trust me... try being a first time house buyer.

nearly all of my friends i have i met through social networking, mainly car forums, even those that live in the same town as me, i'd likely never have met them without the car "scene" so is it dying? absolutely not. if you think it is, maybe it's you that is dying.

Offline Bazgti

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2014, 09:17:04 am »
nearly all of my friends i have i met through social networking, mainly car forums, even those that live in the same town as me, i'd likely never have met them without the car "scene" so is it dying? absolutely not. if you think it is, maybe it's you that is dying.

Easy there flower....  Maybe im dying? Harsh words for a late evening. I nearly spat my pipe out and choked on my boiled sweet reading this.

Awwww its cute that your motor has finally got you some friends. Quite surprising really with an attitude like that. Keep it up you might even bag yourself a 16year old Mrs on a cruizzzze or faceyb.

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2014, 10:04:13 am »

Offline th3_f15t

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2014, 06:25:00 pm »
Perhaps its not the scene getting smaller, but our worlds getting bigger. When I begun driving (and I'm sure most will relate), driving a few towns over to the local meet was a big thing in itself. As the years goby, we travel bigger and bigger distances, making what once was a seriously planned drive out of town now a normal everyday thing.

We see more big car shows and scenes from all over the globe, which gives the perspective that our local scenes are fading away. I thought my old Southend sea front cruising scene had died, but I recently discovered its moved to Lakeside. And there's a healthy number of V-dubs, as well as sister cars.  And of course, boys in their little tin cans with tin can exhausts, revving but clinging nowhere...

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline missymckay

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Re: Car scene dying?
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2014, 07:54:32 pm »

Astra Gte, Nova Gte/Gsi, 205Gti, cavalier turbo, Mk2 Gti, 5gtt glad I'm just old enough to have been in that era  :driver:

The Astra's and Nova's were the cars to have when I was a youngster and there was also the Renault turbo (I think that was what it was called) that a couple of the local lads had. I had a MG Metro with go faster stripes and only 4 gears running leaded petrol lmao  :laugh:
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