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South Yorkshire Meet in the New Year...

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--- Quote from: Caz on October 20, 2009, 08:38:13 am ---... after the last fri of the month????lol  :chicken:

maybes xcape is still a good location, its a hour and half for me, but i dont mind.  :smiley:

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Is Sunday or Saturday Better for PPL!?

Caz would prefer a sat...  :smiley:


--- Quote from: Caz on October 20, 2009, 02:01:41 pm ---Caz would prefer a sat...  :smiley:

--- End quote ---


Poll Started ;)


I voted Sat, I have to drive back to Kent on sunday night as I work down here through the week


--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on October 20, 2009, 09:17:08 pm ---
I voted Sat, I have to drive back to Kent on sunday night as I work down here through the week

--- End quote ---

Kool!!! Hopefully we'll get a good turn out!


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