Posted in General section but worth posting here too. I used Poorboy's APC.Suffice to say it required some TLC

this is how it looked before using Poorboy's APC:

So i set to work with Meg's QD to ensure a workable clean surface and then went back over the grill, getting into all those wonderful honeycombs with the Poorboy's APC. Once applied I buffed it off with a fresh dry microfibre cloth.
This is one half of the upper grill done (compare and contrast for a before and after):

And this is job [nearly] done:
EDIT this is actually a wider shot of half the grill done and half of the grill in poor condition - thought my workmanship was looking a bit shoddy compared with my usual standards

Or at least job done for now because it's such a mind numbing task. Having spent about an hour on the upper section of the grill (it was in a poor condition not only colour-wise but also in terms of grit and dirt build up in all the cracks and crevices) I couldn't bring myself to tackle the bottom section so I'll leave that for tomorrow.

That should last for about a month or so before it slowly begins to fade once more.
Looking at the photos i'll probably have to go over it again to see if i can get a slightly better finish. It's much better than it was but once you start improving something the goal quickly becomes perfection or as close as damn it!