nice, my mum used to have the same car, same colour. She now has a white m3, 
I did like your tdi though! 
Nice, i'd have an M3 if i didn't do silly miles
Thanks, i still get to see the Golf, a friend brother is having it

Congrats from what I hear the 335d doesn't hang around. Nice to see you've moved up mate well done 
Thanks, TBH i missed my S4 (B6), and the 335d will be a happy meduim between econ and power

i wanted a 325D instead of the golf but they are holding used prices very well at the mo and just couldnt strech my budget!
I had a quick go in a 525d the other day, just because i could, drove well -nice cars.
very nice car the 335d is a missile , and the remap route is open to you as well 
Already on the case remap-wise ...... 350bhp 500lbs/ft

Enjoy the new car but make sure you pop in from time to time and say hello! 
Thanks, and of course - good forum this

as said, proper german missile, you'll love it
you'll miss us lot if you wander off though 

A lovely replacement, hope you enjoy it!

Thankyou, i'll try

It's only another work shunter, but a nice one

Nice one mate, looking at 335i myself (none of that devils fuel!) 
With the second hand prices for these 335i's/335d's im still amazed a lot of people opt for S3's as i can see much in it after a map?
Has to be a white one for me!

Yeah, they offer great value for money / performance 2nd hand
I wasn't too bothered about colour, more spec and miles
TBH, real world driving they offer the same perfromance 335i and 335d. Just the d has better econ. The engine doesn't have 'that' diesel sound either

I looked at a few of these before going for my S3 but it would have looked as though I was driving my dads car! 
When i was 22 i had a 400bhp Evo 6, then an Audi S4 (B6) @ 26......i've had all the "ya borrowed it off ya dad" comment, water off a duck back tbh

Glad we cleared that one up
S3 - Grantourer
R32 - Bus
335i - awesome
Diesels - suck

I dissagree about the diesel suck comment tbh, they have come along way - i think you'd be suprised by some on the road
I wonce ad a Deisel and it sownded lik a skelington aving a Jodrell in a biscit tin!
R32's are Grand tourers - Fact! The grass grows quicker!
S3 (turbo charged car) - Hot hatch!
Even my 2.0TDi doesn't sound 'that' clatery dieselesque.
The BMW sounds just like a petrol really.
Sorry to see the Golf going, but you'll definitely enjoy the 335d!
Get yourself over to, an excellent forum for BMW's, where there are many 335d owners who will be only too glad to share their knowledge on how to extract more power from the beast!
For remapping, Evolve or DMS are the popular companies used. Enjoy your new car!
Thankfully, the gold will be going to a good home.
I'll get to see it regularly lol
Already on E90post, good forum aswell.
I'm thinking of going down the evolve route at the moment - but i'm open to change ;)
DMS, awesome! lol im a DMS groupie!
They do have a seemly good reputation