I could support Oldham. My local, local team but id rather bludgeon myself to death with something blunt. The tickets prices are far behind utd's, the shirts cost as much, the stadium only has 3 sides and is made out of paper mache and old war time battles ships n the team's sh*te to an epic scale. 
Quite a few of mates support Oldham (being from Saddleworth), and agreed they are pants!
LOL that's not what it's about is it!

I'd rather support Oldham (if I lived there) than United, City, Liverpool, Bolton, Everton, Blackpool... whoever.
I just don't get the 'pick a top 6 side that's won something recently' or 'pick the club your uncle or dad supports' when they don't support that club at home or away games, as much as they can (again, not saying you two have). I know the cost is extortionate at the top flight, fully appreciate that - especially for a family.
...But that's an even bigger reason to support your local club regardless of their size

I've been to Old Trafford & the Emirates for a couple of Prem and CL games this season and for me even if I supported either or lived in Mancs/LDN, I'd feel totally detached from the whole experience other than being there for the 'big' match.
The home chants and support is sh*t compared to most non league games I've been at, too