Thanks for the kind comments guys

Jussa - yes you are a bad influence along with Marvin

Dan930 - they are the 370mm bbk Alex was doing a while back, basically a 4pot brembo with a floating disc cooked up by Alex and daveB. Believe mike has a set but with the red brembo calipers instead of my black db9 ones
Mandy - yeah the grip level is immense and traction isn't an issue in any conditions, bet you're loving the difference of your R too
Mvb12 - always up for a good deal and I hold you responsible for the speed at which my cars coming along

Paul_zx6r - thanks Paul you won't be disappointed if you get one

unfortunately most of my mods won't swap over from the GTI

the exhaust is routed differently, arbs are different spec, suspension too and obviously the interior is a no go too so virtually starting from scratch and selling off the old parts I can recover

only real straight swaps saw the brakes, wheels and engine cover
