All Things Mk5 > R-Tech Zone
140 sooty will hopefully become a 140 super sooty on Saturday!
then it will be brakes-welcome to the modding bug :signLOL:
cheers guys loving the support! :signLOL: I was hoping the next expense would be a set of shiny ch's but it looks like I might be waiting a while before I can afford them! To be honest It's looking like I'll be living off of beans on toast for the next year!
next is Lowering
Great curves! You must be very pleased with that. It looks like the stock feel has been retained, just a whole load more power & torque :drinking:
Lowering will come after the ch's! Thanks! The biggest difference is how the power doesnt stop coming if that makes sense? It feels like a petrol as the power keeps building whereas before you would get an initial surge then the power would drop just after 3000 rpm
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