General > Product Reviews
Michelin Pilot Super Sports
You've probably enough caster to be able to run parallel with no real tramlining issues.
--- Quote from: rich83 on February 20, 2016, 02:01:48 pm ---0°05" toe in
--- End quote ---
Anyone know owt about these being discontinued and replaced by the new PS4?
--- Quote from: simonp on June 03, 2016, 10:43:50 pm ---Anyone know owt about these being discontinued and replaced by the new PS4?
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I do hope that prospect turns out to be a step forward if it's confirmed.
Otherwise AD08R may be my next choice...which will be after Goodwood in August.
Hmmm just looking for tyres at this minute. :signLOL:
Those AD08R have an interesting tread pattern, you had any experience of those @flashp
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