General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Trusted Seller Status ??
Good idea in theory, but it all boils down to the fact you still need to apply the same precautions and go with gut feeling.
One forum I was on a few years back implemented a 'seller rating' system - after a few positives one guy listed a bunch of things then did a runner with the money.
If anyone can fathom how we would implement this and vet people then we are all ears.
I would say the only people you can trust on here 100% are the traders and admin. :innocent:
Only trust Admin's who don't have Revo remaps...
--- Quote from: xjay1337 on April 30, 2014, 02:32:20 pm ---Only trust Admin's who don't have Revo remaps...
--- End quote ---
just my tuppence worth , how are you ever going to get trusted as people will avoid buying from people without "trusted Status" its a bit like buying of ebay from someone with no feed back, good idea in theory but the buyer needs to take care its not the forums job to look after you money,
one way you could get around this would be if a Trusted person (admin for example) held the cash and only released it when the goods were received as described, not for all sales but only the odd one where both seller and buyer agree, but this could be a lot of hassle for the middle man/woman
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