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Author Topic: Help! Kenwood DNX520VBT owners please read.  (Read 1128 times)

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Help! Kenwood DNX520VBT owners please read.
« on: April 30, 2014, 11:25:44 am »

Ive found one of these units for a good price on a different forum. The owner had it fitted to his mk5 golf and removed it before he sold it. His previous car had a standard, non MF, steering wheel. Is there a separate loom to connect to the MFSW in my car or is it all contained in the main wiring loom? Sorry for the noob question, but electrics arent my thing.

These are the pics he has sent me.

So in this pic are HU, GPS Puck, Microphone and iPod/iPhone lead.

This pic is the loom at the back of the HU and the Fakra (?) connector.

Is there anything else I should be getting to enable the unit to work correctly?

Thanks for the help.


Full VCDS Hex + Can.

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Re: Help! Kenwood DNX520VBT owners please read.
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2014, 02:22:21 pm »
There is a CAN interface box there which should be the MFSW link.

Otherwise eBay search for sold items to see what others sell in the box.
Used to have Edition 30 - number 009 and a GT TDI 140.
Now have an S4 B8 Avant (stage 2)

Offline ThomWalker

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Re: Help! Kenwood DNX520VBT owners please read.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2014, 11:05:42 pm »
Steering Wheel remote wire is the Light Blue/Yellow

What car is yours going into? My MK5 GTI has a dual Fakra, although using one will still work, signal strength will not be as strong. you can get Dual Fakra to DIN converters on ebay for a few quid.