Taken from my blog for those want to see more: http://blog.mikesdrive.co.za/

My thoughts on the car, a quick review: Well, its an experience in its own but its also pleasant in the way it presents itself. The GTR is quick, its gorgeous in all aspects but its also a comfortable place to be - Within a few minutes of being in the drivers seat you dont feel the speed anymore and when it misbehaves the car is really easy to catch, control and enjoy.
I particularly enjoyed the sound. Its not loud, in fact much quieter than I expected but the only way to describe the sound is to combine a small fighter jet and an angry mobster. The GTR moves with a sort of clunk, an essence of so much technology but also a fantastic balance of feedback and whistles and pops to keep you entertained - Let me assure you, the GTR Black is in no way a boring car to drive despite being faster, more refined and better built than some of its rivals.
The car oozes presence, you really don't feel the size inside but when parked next to my Clio you realise how chunky the design is - the proportions are staggering. The Bose sound system is brilliant, the controls a bit complex and cluttered in their layout but you get the feel that the GTR is a car designed for people who like buttons... With their speed.
Overall I found the GTR to be a great compromise between mind-numbing performance stats and a comfortable cruiser. Its not quite a GT but you cant help feel that Nissan put a lot of effort into making the GTR a comfortable daily as well as nail-biting, tyre shredding performance car.
I think its absolutely brilliant. What do you guys think? I would love to drive a modified R35, the package is difficult to beat IMO.