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TyreSure Wireless Monitor - Review....

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The wheel man:

--- Quote from: JPC on October 19, 2009, 08:50:37 pm ---Yeh, I'd want all the live functionality of the tyresure system but displayed on the highline window. It's not that much of a tall order really, I already have my phonebook on there in a window. Also can see things like realtime speed, realtime rpm and boost. Also how many litres of fuel I have left, all thru a clever box of tricks!

If I am running low on fuel, I get a warning. If I get a low tyre pressure, I want a warning. Don't get confused thinking I want the Vw one, just one that integrates the Vw highline

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That would be cool  :evilgrin:  the company that makes this system is owned by Mitsubishi so its on the Carisma but is displayed in the rear view mirror... super cool

thats pretty cool! get them to sort it with the Vw highline and ill buy 20! lol


--- Quote from: Hurdy on October 19, 2009, 12:03:18 pm ---I decided against that position Ben. Mainly because I tend to use the rev counter visually a lot and the wire covers the time buttons (which I'll need in about 5 days time) :smiley:
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Can't you alter the clock times in the highline?


--- Quote from: Teutonic_Tamer on October 20, 2009, 02:46:17 pm ---
--- Quote from: Hurdy on October 19, 2009, 12:03:18 pm ---I decided against that position Ben. Mainly because I tend to use the rev counter visually a lot and the wire covers the time buttons (which I'll need in about 5 days time) :smiley:
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Can't you alter the clock times in the highline?

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Only if I had it :ashamed:


I've just updated the original review post having used it for a few weeks in both day and night conditions: One plus point and one minus.

Overall, I'm very happy indeed that I spent some money on yet another mod which some will say is entirely uneccessary  :evilgrin:

I was without it for about 3 days because the connector came adrift (we retained the supplied 'ashtray-style' plug for a 12v socket) and I really missed it.


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