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Author Topic: Damaged Screen  (Read 1537 times)

Offline irish_ram

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Damaged Screen
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:40:10 pm »
My Pioneer AVH-X5600BT was dropped by a nice chap who bought it off me and then tried to return it saying it was faulty goods so I am now left with a stereo that switches on fine but has a damaged inner screen as seen in the pic below. There is no damage on the outside screen and on opening the inside there was no damage to cables/boards that I could see.

Could anyone advise on what the fault may be or cost of fixing it as it cost me a few hundred and if can repair for cheap then will do otherwise will sell.

Sorry if in the wrong section mods so move if need to  :happy2:

Offline MikLSP

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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 03:33:09 pm »
Looks like the screen is cracked from the top right corner and so the only repair would be fitting a new screen panel. Not sure on the price but in general these little screens tend to be £100-200.

I'm guessing this was an eBay transaction? The imbalance of power towards the buyer makes me sick, they can get away with whatever they want as eBay & PayPal side with them without question.


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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 03:42:54 pm »
Try contacting the guy that sells this and ask him if he can help with a new screen.
As for the chap that ruined your screen... :fighting:

Good luck!

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2014, 09:06:15 pm »
The balance to the buyer is disgusting but thankfully I won this one but only down to me not budging.

Basically I fully tested before sending and the buyer messages me when received to say everything looks good and then 5 days later complained it was faulty when a professional fitted it. He did not even contact me but went straight to ebay claim and this is after I allowed the guy to hit buy it now but hold for 2 days as he could not afford to pay straight away. Never the less ebay ruled in his favour and demanded a refund and deducted my account of the price.

It was only the fact I had removed the money from paypal that no real money was taken from me. I went through a battle of emails with the buyer asking why did he say it was okay when according to him it now wasnt in which his attitude changed to a smug little sh*t now he thought he had the refund.

Ebay then advised him to return the unit within 10 days so the full refund could be completed and the idiot sent it uninsured to scrimp and when the unit did not get delivered ebay ruled in my favour and gave him no refund and I got the money back. To top it off I also got the stereo back eventually delivered but on checking you could see there was physical cuts in the cables, metal casing damaged which convinced me he had damaged it on install and was pulling a fast one.

Hethen started messaging me saying royal mail and ebay were not helping and he wants the money back off me to which I sent a sarcastic reply advising he should of thought of that before he got them involved and politely told him to fu*k off.

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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2014, 09:13:13 pm »
I do love a happy ending  :grin:. Shame you're now stuck with a faulty CD player.

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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2014, 09:15:29 pm »
Sounds like he sent you a different one back.
Sarcasm for free. Anything after that can only be considered as a bonus.

Just because you think you know something, doesn't make you an expert if you've just read it on the internet, y'know.

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Damaged Screen
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2014, 09:19:06 pm »
Sounds like he sent you a different one back.

I thought that too but have no details of the original units serial.

However also to boost as I sent it recorded and insured I claimed to them for a damaged unit in transit and also they paid out which I would have happily sent to buyer if he came to me and not acted like a di*k  :stupid: