tbh ive got a garage to perform dsg reset/ calib or whatever you call it and it does work but its like a temporary fix, its also something to do with the temperature level ive noticed and read on various different forums and read a lot of it online, but the common faults dsg faults get worse, it did with mine, got the garage to do a dsg service, they filled it up with the dsg oil and other bits associated with a dsg service and it was perfectly fine for a month or two but then the symptons came back, A1 Transmission is currently still dealing with mine, they called me and have ordered a new mech unit from Germany which is programmed also, so waiting for them to tell me when its here ( they said around 7 days for it to arrive

) once they've put the new unit in, they gonna do more testing to see if it has resolved it, im pretty confident now that having a new mech unit should resolve it :), once I get an update or when I get the car back ill post here to let you know :)
so my car is back now, long story short, wow car feels a lot better now, not jerky at all!, smooth gear changes happy bunny, noticed one thing though, drivers side mirror looks like its been replaced