JPC have you actually spent a lot of time in the 335D, and I don't mean a couple of days, those that have will understand where I am coming from.
I owned mine for 8 months or so, did 10,000 miles in it, and when I first got it, it was the best thing since sliced bread. Mine was running an Emaps map to 350BHP, eibach suspecion and standard non-RFT tyres, so was fully set up for involvement.
BUT, and it a big BUT, because it was so easy to get 100% of the performance out of it, that and the so called flappy paddle gearbox, which was nothing more than a standard slushbox with paddles, was just so uninvolving, after a while it just got boring. It was as fast as my 'old' B7 RS4, however you had to work at getting the performance out of the RS, whereas in the 335D, it was simply just point and squirt. A lot of the 'old' 335D drivers on e90post, have all moved on for this reason, just too easy to get all of the performance out of it. I drive a car to be rewarded back by getting the best out of it, and the 335D was just so easy to get to that point, so I felt I had conquered it very early on in my ownership.
So yes I feel very justified in calling it boring and uninvolving. 
My dad has had that engine for the last two years and ive driven it quite a lot, probably done about 3-4k in it.
Ive never felt that it got boring to be honest, its a great car.
for the same reasons you got rid of yours, you could apply to the same logic at why Jonny Sold his Ed30, or why Tom sold his Ed30 too.
Its a funny thing car ownership. The Grass is always greener.
"It was as fast as my 'old' B7 RS4, however you had to work at getting the performance out of the RS, whereas in the 335D, it was simply just point and squirt."
I know what your saying in the satifaction stakes, but we dont always want to work to get performance.
Your pretty much saying the 335d was boring because it had RS4 performance on tap, without waiting for 6k RPM to kick in?
im not saying your wrong at all mate, just we have difference ideas of ideals in cars.
I Would MUCH prefer the instant punch of torque in the 335d rather than the working for it in the RS4.
etto! lol