Been in the north east visiting my old mate tom so i could kindly use his unit and his help!
We got up early and after a fuel and coffee stop we got up to his unit and got the car inside after picking the S3 arms up from TPS along with a new thermostat and coolant (due to me being unorganised i didnt get nay brake fluid in time)

emptied the boot

got the car up on stands, got the front wheels off an went around the corner to have my michelin PS3's fitted

Then once back at the unit we started on the wishbones, old gti vs new s3 arms

First one fitted (stupidly I forgot to order ball joints but mine are fine so no harm done

Tom fitting the second one (he loves pic of himself on my threads)

Final pic of both wishbones and wheels/tyres fitted, drove much nicer on the way home :D

Unfortunately we didn't realise how much of a ball ache the thermostat is or should i say how much of a ball ache it could be, either way its buried behind other components and it was getting late in the day so that will wait until next month when hopefully ill do another visit with the brake fluid and the bottom powerflex engine mounts, a bit more ring prep :homme: