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Author Topic: urgent help!! please!!  (Read 1329 times)

Offline Jayy26

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urgent help!! please!!
« on: May 13, 2014, 12:29:46 am »
been having a hard drive about with some mates and my sub is lose in the back still..been fine starting the car and stopping then came home went to switch ignition off and the engine stayed on and i could still drive the car!!! what the hell right!! only way to stop it was to stall it ..

my earth wire had come out but with the keys out off the ignition and the engine stalled and a locked car, if i touched the earth wire to the sub it got power..:/

so screwed that back my mates fault code reader and its pulled up a few codes :/

car is running fine now and starts and stops but still with these codes..well untill i drive it tomorrow and get the code reader back


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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2014, 01:55:25 am »
Never seen that on a Mk5 before.

Is it related to the subwoofer installation. Who installed it. And what kind job did they do.

The immobilisor is in the key chip so without the key in the car the immobilisers would surely cut in?

Offline mortygttdi

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2014, 06:49:02 am »
The immobiliser only starts the car once it's started it has no other part in the ignition system procedure until the car is stopped and a delay of 15 seconds passes.

I would say wherever the power for the sub has been taken from that's where I would start, the ground is just looping the connection and I wouldn't think that is the cause??

Offline Jayy26

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2014, 01:20:11 pm »
i did it my self ha :)

the power goes straight to the battery and all wires are how they should only thing was that its not bolted down or anything but its worked fine for the last few months...

i did cook my brakes last night after racing with an evo 360bhp and astra 320bhp and mine sonly 270ish :( ha the brakes have never been that hot but they isnt any wires off such near the brakes to be effected

it was scary because i couldnt switch ignition off,i even locked the car with the engine still running!! it did come up with the little car symbol with the key underneath it.

its started fine today will see if the codes are back tonight

no it didnt cut the engine :/

Offline xjay1337

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2014, 02:58:43 pm »
Have you tried removing the power for the sub all together to see if that resolves the problem.

Do you have an aftermarket head unit? how is that wired up.

must be leaving an open circuit somewhere. perhaps the head unit is feeding into the switched live somehow feeding back 12 v into the ignition circuit. depends on how you wired it up.

Offline Jayy26

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2014, 03:51:45 pm »
The problem has gone and the car is fine now :) just gonna check if the codes are back tonight..
and no standard head unit..

the car has been fine and has been driven hard on a few runs but last night it was very pushed to limits..with cooking the brakes etc etc

but its bizzare for the car to still run ha

ill see how it goes and then start to rip stuff out :/

Offline BarberVW

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2014, 07:46:33 pm »
This happened to me once a few months ago shortly after I got my gti. Pull up at destination, turn ignition off, remove key - but engine is still running. I put the key back in, and turned it 2 clicks, then switched it off, and it shut down. Don't know to this day what caused it.

There is little to no info out there about this strange issue. I read something about the engine cycling oil through the turbo after switching engine off if it had been under hard use, but I doubt this would basically just be the engine staying on and still being driveable.

Please update if you find a root cause....

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Offline Jayy26

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Re: urgent help!! please!!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2014, 12:34:07 am »
mine wouldnt even turn off with the key....i had to stall it :/

and definitely not that would be daft :) haha

and its been working perfect today,not had chance to plug my fault code reader in