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Author Topic: This is what they should bring here for car thieves - compulsory I say!  (Read 3375 times)

Offline betty_swollox

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I'm not saying I disagree with you.

I'm just saying that we should not be physically hurting other people or throwing them in with bulls, or throwing poo at them (okay maybe that would be quite funny) or causing them extended pain as a punishment for crimes.

There are jail time sentences and then of course coming out of jail to your family who now probably hate you, no job, much less chance of getting another job in the future...

making them eat poo would be funny

but I didnt say I would physically hurt them or cause them pain, i'm saying they deserve to die, big difference to causing someone sh1t loads of pain and then suffering

Just give them a painless death.

(obv there would need to be 110% proof that they were guilty tho hahaha)
2010 Leon CUPRA
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Offline Tamiyoman

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Car Thieves - 5 Years (Minimum served time 2.5yrs)
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Class A Drug Dealers - Lethal Injection with 100cc's of Smack!


I defo agree with that one.
2010 Leon CUPRA
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APR Stage 2

Offline SI-R32

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« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2014, 06:20:31 pm »
I've got to agree with above, the justice system in this country is a joke run by the old boys club of pompous toffs, also due to the rise of scum in this country the prisions are at bursting point, so getting a bulls horn through the heart would defo be my favorite choice of freeing up some space.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 09:42:49 am by SI-R32 »
Loads of extra's and retro fits.

Offline DDM

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my take on the justice system is!
to be a member of the justice system like a judge or simular, takes many years of schooling/college/university and then only to start at the bottom of the ladder and work your way up, so how does this give these people a real idea of how the real world works, like being street wise for example. i often think when hearing about sentances given to the above mentioned offenders, how the hell did they get to that isn't often these days when i agree justice has been served. i feel it's always letting us down.

Offline doylebros

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