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Author Topic: Strange noise coming from front,  (Read 514 times)

Offline Padraig

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Strange noise coming from front,
« on: May 13, 2014, 09:23:54 pm »
Hi guys,

Being having a small problem with my GTI 07 with the last few weeks, hoping you guys can give me some advise.

First off, when driving, it felt as if the car was being held, and there was a strange noise coming from the front passenger side, rev hand was also jumping, the noise is hard to explain but it sounds like air going through something or being sucked through,

I took it to the garage, and explained how I thought the front brake might be sticking and told him about the noise, few days later the mechanic said, that yes the front caliper was sticking, so he took it off, cleaned it,cleaned the pads and replaced the brake pipe, and said it was good to go, asked about the noise, he said, yea it's perfect now,

On the way home, it seemed to be driving better and it didn't seem as if anything was wrong, then almost home, I could slightly hear that noise again,

That was last Friday,

Today, the noise is worse and the rev hand is jumping, not all the time, the notice can be heard the most when, for example, after slowing down at a roundabout and then just it starts to pick up speed is can be heard clearly, then the noise dies away again, so for that reason I'm thinking it must have something to do with the brakes, but I have no idea as to what it is,

Again, it's hard to explain but it sounds like air going through something, and can be heard mostly after braking as it's starting to go through the gears, and at that time the car feels as if it's slightly being held or something,

Not the clearest explanation but I hope someone has come across this kind of problem before.

Thank You,