Hardly dodging the question i could get something alot better

But strangely i'm not , hence how i have retired at 50 !
I don't need status symbols , but i'm sure you are impressed by my bank balance , so 
Nowt worse than a boasting b@stard
You started it 
I asked u a simple question, do u need a 4x4?
Since your so rich and like to boast about it, why are you even worried about the resale value?
Do you didn't you stated " Do you even need a 4x4 or is it more of a status thing? "
I found it very rude bearing in mind , the we're not worthy icons aswell .
Oddly people that have been successful do worry about re sale value of the things they buy , afterall cars are not investments , well apart from the willys jeep i just sold !
Lets get back on topic - Please