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Author Topic: How bad are these discs?  (Read 6549 times)

Offline Viking

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Re: How bad are these discs?
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2014, 08:25:09 am »
The manufacturers design and specification torque values are based on clean dry threads (not just the seats). Lubrication of the threads or seats will lead to over-torquing and unnecessary stretching of the bolts beyond their design.

You could always apply grease to the exposed thread where it protrudes through the hub if you feel the need to protect against corrosion on the exposed threads, but greasing the bolt before tightening will lead to more load on the bolt than design, simply because it allows you to apply that much more load before the torque value is met.

If you wish to grease the threads then you should apply 15 - 25% reduction to the applied torque to compensate, but if they're torqued correctly (not zipped up with a windy gun like Edd China seems to do on every episode of wheeler dealers) then there's no need for any mucking about (or internet arguments).
Sarcasm for free. Anything after that can only be considered as a bonus.

Just because you think you know something, doesn't make you an expert if you've just read it on the internet, y'know.

Offline DDM

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Re: How bad are these discs?
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2014, 09:49:55 am »
quote from: garrardrj on may 17,2014
You take that into account . There has been alot of problems with studs breaking or being stuck , especially the locking wheelnut studs . Our mini when we bought it was 18 months old and the nuts were so tight i had to use a 3' breaker bar to undo them , the locking wheel nut on two wheels snapped off and we had to weld onto the remaining nut to get them off .

i've had 3 mini's to date, and two have broke the locking wheel bolt key/socket as you mention, it's the design of the actual key/socket, it's extremely weak. cooper teeside actually hold a full set of replacment in stock for this very problem, and as your's was only 18months old i'd of been inclined to contact the dealers and ask for their assistance, as firstly the car was still under warranty, and secondly 95% of mini's come with a 5 year tlc package for all the servicing ect, so theres a good chance they're  responsable in my eyes.
that there would be my first point of call before welding nuts to the locking wheel bolt and marking and distorting wheels ect. last thing i'd want to do is mark my wheels from doing that.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 09:56:42 am by DDM »

Offline betty_swollox

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Re: How bad are these discs?
« Reply #47 on: May 18, 2014, 09:50:24 am »
  :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent:
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