So, to summarise, just want to see if i have the correct understanding:
1. If i go for the turboback exhaust, there is a chance that a warning lamp on the dash will come on - in which case i'll need to upload a stage 2 remap. Also, the stage 2 map will better compliment the turboback. How much of a difference will there be between stage 1 & turboback and stage 2 & turboback?
2. I will need to look at a HPFP if I go stage 2+. Is this also the case if i went for stage 2?
Is there any chance I can have the turboback and taylor the remap so that the exhaust warning lamp goes off and I can limit the car to 300ish bhp? Just don't feel the power from stage 2/2+ without a quaife diff is a good idea and I want to do things in stages.
As far as the sound is concerned, as long as there is no booming at motorway speeds i don't mind. It just means that whenever there are passengers, it's not too loud but when i'm on my own and I feel the need to "exercise" the car, it will put a smile on my face.
The thread is making good reading - thanks for all the advice

(even though it looks like i'll spend much more than I first anticipated

Awesome Sarah - give us a deal worthy of your company name