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Author Topic: Wedding cash gift...but how much?  (Read 3205 times)

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2014, 08:55:17 pm »
Most of the weddings we have been to have requested cash gifts - its pretty much the norm. Me and the GF usually throw in £100.

Our wedding is in August and we have also asked guests for cash gifts. We have around 450 guests for the main banquet (Its a Chinese wedding) and thats at £70 (ish) per head. We need as much as possible to put toward the banquet! In November, we have another banquet in Hong Kong for our extended family. There's about 320 going to this one and its the same price per head.

We are pretty screw if we end up with 20 odd toasters / blenders / bedsheets etc!!  :grin:


If only!! we only know about 100 - the rest i havent met before....

OOOH so popular  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: lol

hahaha nowt worse than being stuck with loads of people that u dont even know

Happens all the time at Asian weddings- its the norm.

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2014, 11:47:48 pm »
You're really just helping the couple to repay some of the stupid money it costs to host a 'conventional' wedding. It's a scandalous scam, although it pales into insignificance compared with the diamond ring joke. Diamonds are essentially's an amazing con.
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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2014, 12:05:00 pm »
You're really just helping the couple to repay some of the stupid money it costs to host a 'conventional' wedding. It's a scandalous scam, although it pales into insignificance compared with the diamond ring joke. Diamonds are essentially's an amazing con.

Totally agree, my mate spent £10k on his GF's engagement ring and their wedding is costing £25K, such a waste of money!
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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2014, 12:50:08 pm »
Most of the weddings we have been to have requested cash gifts - its pretty much the norm. Me and the GF usually throw in £100.

Our wedding is in August and we have also asked guests for cash gifts. We have around 450 guests for the main banquet (Its a Chinese wedding) and thats at £70 (ish) per head. We need as much as possible to put toward the banquet! In November, we have another banquet in Hong Kong for our extended family. There's about 320 going to this one and its the same price per head.

We are pretty screw if we end up with 20 odd toasters / blenders / bedsheets etc!!  :grin:


you what that's £31,500 for 1st one & £22,400 for must be havin a laugh......... :rolleye:
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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2014, 02:45:45 pm »
I had the same thought in December about how much money to give my best mate who I was best man for. Its a difficult one I think, but because he is pretty good to me normally when we go out and stuff and little things i chucked him £200, he also paid for my room at the venue with brekkie the next day  :smiley:

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2014, 10:37:19 pm »
We did the same for our wedding. Most people were tight arses only chucking £10 or £20 in. We paid £60 per head for everyone of the guests. You'd think they would at least offset some of their costs for us. Spending the best part of £20k on the day after all.

We are going to a wedding in August and plan to stick £50 in a card for them.

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2014, 10:52:04 pm »
We did the same for our wedding. Most people were tight arses only chucking £10 or £20 in. We paid £60 per head for everyone of the guests. You'd think they would at least offset some of their costs for us. Spending the best part of £20k on the day after all.

We are going to a wedding in August and plan to stick £50 in a card for them.

But a wedding should be free, surely you weren't expecting people to essentially pay to go?

The money is a "congrats on a new chapter of your life"

You should be annoyed your new chapter is only worth £20 to people :lol:

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2014, 11:30:34 pm »
We did the same for our wedding. Most people were tight arses only chucking £10 or £20 in. We paid £60 per head for everyone of the guests. You'd think they would at least offset some of their costs for us. Spending the best part of £20k on the day after all.

We are going to a wedding in August and plan to stick £50 in a card for them.

But a wedding should be free, surely you weren't expecting people to essentially pay to go?

The money is a "congrats on a new chapter of your life"

You should be annoyed your new chapter is only worth £20 to people :lol:

They should have felt privileged they were invited for the whole day.  :signLOL:

We did the whole "write a poem, ask for cash" thing. 2 years planning and hundreds of hours prep..........have a tenner.   :laugh:

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2014, 11:53:39 pm »
Yeah they did a poem.

Think I'll prob do £100.

That's better than the iPad Air I was going to buy had they asked for gifts.  :grin:

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2014, 04:37:03 pm »

Why is it that people ask for cash , it really annoys me and is very cheeky , wedding gifts were meant for couples setting up home together , not like it is now where they already have every thing under the sun .

Attended one wedding where they wanted donations to their spending money for their 2 week honeymoon in Mauritius ! Piss take is say

It's not a piss take at all, it makes sense these days.

I'm getting married in August and we have asked for money to pay for the honeymoon.  We have recently combined our two homes into one by moving in together so already have a surplus of household items.  Why have a gift list asking for things we've already got or don't need? Most couples these days live together before getting married so already have the items found on a traditional gift list.  The last few weddings I've been to the couple have requested money - I think it's a pretty normal thing to do these days.

If people get offended at being asked for cash which is going to be used legitimately then they can always say no to coming to the wedding and we'll save a lot more money than what we're likely to get off them.  If it was going to be spent willy nilly on the grocery shop and everyday things I could understand it, but ours is specifically for the honeymoon and nothing else.

I was an evening guest at a school friends wedding last month.  I don't really see her much anymore but we do occasionally get in touch.  I put £25 in the card.  If I saw her more often I'd have put more in.  It depends on how close you are as friends, how often you see each other or do stuff together and how much you value their friendship.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 04:42:26 pm by Golfgirl »


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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2014, 05:05:38 pm »
Last time we gave cash at a wedding we didn't even get a thank you !

Why do couples expect people to give them stuff or cash anyway ? Why should the guest pay for the honeymoon ?

Just asking ...before someone bites my head off  :innocent:
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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2014, 07:12:34 pm »
Married in March this year we asked for cash as we have everything we need in life and it went towards the honeymoon, I've always given cash as a guest too and £50 is a fair price I think to give. We received some good figures but it was also good not to get crap gifts off auntys etc ;)

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2014, 07:31:21 pm »
Just curious if I can do this cash idea with next Christmas  :signLOL:

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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2014, 06:19:47 pm »
Traditions have changed and people generally live together now before getting married, like has been said have everything needed to furnish a home that you usually ask for.

Ive been to 8 weddings in the last 3 years and have given between £40-£100 depending on whether close family wedding or friend occasional seen, also if im going to day do or just evening.

I got engaged 3 weeks ago and are busy wedding planning for april/may next year, we plan to ask for a gift towards the honeymoon also. Paying for a wedding breakfast for 90-100 guest is madness, quoted between £60-£125 per head so far, all it is is a sunday dinner!!!

My suggestion of Toby Carvary didnt go down well  :signLOL:

One place has quoted £12.95 p/head for evening food of bacon/sausage baps, robbing gits  :fighting: Hog Roast was £1500!!!!!!
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Re: Wedding cash gift...but how much?
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2014, 06:23:21 pm »
I think asking for cash is cheeky.... if you cant afford a honeymoon then you cant afford one tough sh*t!!

We got married back in october and have yet to go on a honeymoon for one reason or another.... one being busy and the other not been able to afford one. So we will go on honeymoon when we can afford it.

I would never give cash at a wedding... I would always get a gift.