Sean, someone gave me a nod about this question, so as I pointed you in the direction initially I'll help as much as I can - I'm not a complete tool.
I've tried looking on their website and it is a bit of a mess with lots of stuff missing. However, in their Motorsport (red) catalogue there's 3 listings for droplinks:
The Spherical droplinks for the MKV rear, the 'S' shaped ones and the universal ones. There's no picture of the latter, so it's hard to know if it will work? You'll probably know better once you've had chance to look yourself.
The latter I think is the ones you'd be interested in for the front (myself too actually), they come in 2 different types; bushed and something else that escapes me at the moment as I've left the catalogue in work. There's about 10 different adjustable lengths of each ranging from 90-100ish mm up to 380-400ish mm from memory.
I guess it's a case of measuring the GTI's fronts and seeing if there's something applicable.