Purchased the harness and t arrived today. The only problem is this is what they have gave me for instructions. Could one of you clever people covert this to something I understand!

Here they are:
Manual wiring heated seats Golf V until October 2006
Please disconnect the battery before starting installation.
Please wire the loom starting from the seats to the following connections:
Wire configuration:
Steady plus - Fuse box
Ignition plus - Fuse box
Double crimp - Control unit central electric Connector C – PIN 1
Wire with 2 looms - Climate control unit – 20-pole Connector
Driver site - PIN 10
Passenger site - PIN 11
Single loom - Climate control unit – 20-pole Connector – Pin 12
Opposite to ignition plus, Fuse box SC7
Ring terminal - Ground A-Column, driver site
After installation you need to code the control unit for central electric (address 09) to heated seats.
Where does it all go!!!?